Keeping Our Neighbourhood Safe

Welcome to the new Sunnywood Drive Neighbourhood Watch Website. Our Website isn't just about crime its about us and the area we live in.

Our aim is to make sure we look out for our neighbours and support each other in all the small ways that make a big difference. Communication is vitally important to support our local emergency services and to deter CRIME.

You are our Eyes and Ears, Don't ignore it Report it.
You are our Eyes and Ears, Don't ignore it Report it.
You are our Eyes and Ears, Don't ignore it Report it.Report it
Join the Movement
Join the Movement
Join the MovementCommitment -Means Results
Join Your Local N-Watch Scheme Learn More about our Ward and our Partners like FOABWs
Join Your Local N-Watch Scheme Learn More about our Ward and our Partners like FOABWs
Join Your Local N-Watch Scheme Learn More about our Ward and our Partners like FOABWsFind Us Here
10 Local members
100 Watches in the borough
500 Schemes in the county
1000 Household membership in Sussex